A Guide to Stripping Your Exterior Paint Properly
When you first moved in, you loved everything about your house, including its exterior paint. But as the years went by, your taste also changed, and now, you’ve finally decided that it’s time to strip off your exterior walls for a fresh coat of paint.
But the question is: how exactly do you strip off your exterior paint? Of course, it’s best to hire exterior paint removal services, but here are some other ways people use to strip off their exterior paint:
• Manual exterior paint removal
Many homeowners go into an exterior paint removal project thinking it’s going to be fast and easy. While this is good if you’re only stripping off the paint on a small area, it can prove to be overwhelming if you’re dealing with an entire house.
If you decide to do it manually, you’ll need tools like a paint scraper, putty knife, and wire brush to get things done. Now, if you’re tackling your entire house, you need to understand that it would take a lot of time and effort to get this job done. You also need to consider all the dirt and dust you’ll have to deal with afterward. If you want to avoid going through all these hassles, you always have the option to book exterior paint removal services.
• Exterior paint removal using power tools
There are times when removing paint can be extremely hard, especially if the paint has been there for a long time or if it’s too thick. This is when some homeowners choose to use power tools that will make the job easier. If you have power tools at home, you can buy attachments that will allow you to strip off paint faster. Companies that offer exterior paint removal services also use some of these tools to get the job done.
Some of the power tools you’ll need include sandpaper, carbide discs, abrasive flap discs, and wire brushes that will help you remove stubborn paint from your exterior walls. You can also use cordless drills for removing paint in smaller areas, palm sanders for smoothing out the wall, and angle grinders for removing tough spots. However, please consider that you will need to be careful with your tools so as not to affect anyone else’s safety or yours.
• Hiring the services of experts
Of course, nothing is easier than hiring a company that offers professional exterior paint removal services to ensure the job is done properly and safely. These experts not only have the training and experience for removing exterior paint but also have the tools for performing this task in the most efficient way possible.
For instance, they can use dustless blasting, which means that there will be no debris and dust flying around while the exterior paint is being removed. This doesn’t only make cleaning up easy, but it will also promote safety within your household since people can be around while the job is being done.
Making the right choice!
In the end, choosing to hire exterior paint removal services is still the best way to ensure that you’re getting the job done right and in the safest way possible. Contact Minutemen Mobile Blasting, LLC today!